Terms & Conditions

1. Terms

1.1 Terms & Conditions: Terms & conditions applied by Saskia Mevis Magic of Being, which is published on this website.
1.2 Participant: The person who joins a class or workshop organized by Saskia Mevis Magic of Being and/or wishes to join.
1.3 Website: The website of Saskia Mevis Magic of Being.
1.4 Class or workshop: A workshop to be given or given at Saskia Mevis Magic of Being.
1.5 Webshop: The shop shown (Possibilities) on the website of Saskia Mevis Magic of Being.
1.6 1-on-1 Magical Sessions: Private sessions in which all skills, Bodywork, Verbal Coaching, etc. are combined.
1.7 Membership: all recurring memberships joined through the website, paid by Direct Debit.

2. Applicability:

2.1 The Terms & Conditions apply exclusively to all classes, workshops, and memberships at Saskia Mevis Magic of Being (live or online). By participating, the participant agrees with the applicability of these Terms & Conditions.
2.2 These Terms & Conditions apply to all agreements in which Saskia Mevis Magic or Being acts as client and contractor. The Terms & Conditions may be changed by Saskia Mevis Magic of Being during the term of the agreement. The latest version is always the current version and available on the website. Saskia Mevis Magic of Being will announce any changes to the terms and conditions by e-mail.

3. Payments, Price Changes & Cancelation

3.1 Payment is made prior to the private session, class, workshop, or membership. Payment can be made via bank transfer, Ideal, PayPal, Credit Card, Direct Debit, or Cash with a 10% deposit. All current prices are stated on the website.

3.1.1 Core Classes (Access Bars Classes, Access Energetic Facelift Class, Access Foundation) are worldwide priced by Access Consciousness. Access Consciousness reserves the right to change prices.
3.1.2 Private sessions, Body Process Classes, and Memberships are priced by Saskia Mevis Magic of Being. Saskia Mevis Magic of Being reserves the right to change the prices.

3.2 The participant can cancel the private session, class, or workshop up to 48 hours before the start. The full amount minus € 25,00 administration costs will be refunded.
3.3 In the event of cancellation by Saskia Mevis Magic of Being, the full amount will be refunded.
3.4 Costs are not refundable outside the aforementioned conditions
3.5 Cancelation of a class, the workshop, or the membership can only take place by email to team@saskiamevis.com. After the participant has received confirmation, the cancellation is processed.
3.6 Saskia Mevis Magic of Being reserves the right to cancel any private session, class, or workshop due to force majeure or insufficient registrations. The full amount will then be refunded. She is not liable for any costs made to be part of a workshop or attend a class.
3.7 After 3 months of Membership the Membership can be terminated with a one-month cancellation period, before the first of the month. After that, the Membership can be terminated every month before the first of the month. The Membership can be terminated by sending an e-mail to team@saskiamevis.com. Side note, when the membership is terminated, and you want to join again, the pricing mentioned on the website will be activated.

4. Liability

4.1 The participant joins the activities and sessions offered by Saskia Mevis Magic of Being entirely at their own risk. The participant who has been under medical treatment is obliged to seek advice from the relevant practitioner.
4.2 Saskia Mevis Magic of Being is not liable for physical and/or mental injury or injury unless this damage is caused by intent or gross negligence of Saskia Mevis Magic of Being. In that case, any liability of Saskia Mevis Magic or Being will be limited to the amount paid by the participant. Saskia Mevis Magic of Being is never liable for indirect damage, including but not limited to consequential damage and financial loss and loss or theft or damage to personal property.
4.3 Research shows that working with the Tools and Processes with which Saskia Mevis Magic of Being works and the Tools and Processes you learn during classes and workshops can have a major impact on the physiological and mental functioning of each individual. Therefore, Saskia Mevis Magic of Being recommends that anyone taking medication for any physical or mental complaint contact the doctor or treating physician before initiating Processing, and control drug use while using these Tools and Processes. A change in medication may be required over time as these processes allow the person and his or her body to heal on their own.

5. Personal data

5.1 Collecting personal data: Saskia Mevis Magic of Being collects personal data from participants for the purpose of maintaining files, for executing payment orders and for administration. Saskia Mevis Magic of Being handles this collection of personal data with care and always adheres to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act. When registering in the shop, the participants are asked to agree to this.
5.2 Saskia Mevis Magic of Being also uses the personal data referred to in Article 5.1 to inform participants of activities of Saskia Mevis Magic of Being and any changes to, for example, the class schedule. When registering in the shop, the participants are asked to agree to this. If at a later date the participant does not appreciate receiving communication from Saskia Mevis Magic of Being, this can be communicated by e-mail to team@saskiamevis.com or the participant can unsubscribe from the mailing list. The students and participants are aware of it.
5.3 Saskia Mevis Magic of Being never discloses the personal data of participants to third parties without prior written permission.

6. Applicable law

6.1 Only Dutch law applies to the General Terms and Conditions.
6.2 In disputes arising from or in connection with the services provided by Saskia Mevis Magic of Being, which fall within the competence of the court, only the Maastricht Court has jurisdiction.

Hoensbroek, The Netherlands, 1th of March 2020

Saskia Mevis Magic of Being
Frederikstraat 24

The Netherlands